Frequently Asked Questions

PDF file of FAQ

What Does the HOA Do?

The Burntwood West Home Owners Association serves as a means through which homeowners in the Burntwood West Subdivision may participate in the administration, management, and operation of matters pertaining to the Subdivision.


Is there an HOA Board?

Yes. There are five positions on the HOA Board consisting of

  • President

  • Vice President (one or more)

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer (and Assistant Treasurer if desired)

elected during the annual meeting typically for 3 year terms. The board is also supported by a management company specializing in HOA administration (Commonwealth Properties).


What Do My Home Owners Annual Assessment Provide?

The assessments levied by the Association are used for promoting the recreation, health, safety and protection of the members of the Association and directly for the improvement and maintenance of the common areas within Burntwood West and for funding the Reserve Account.

The common areas are maintained by the HOA utilizing the operation budget and the Reserve Account as appropriate. The common areas include:


  • 170th Street Frontage

    • Brick Wall

    • Signage

    • Landscaping

    • Irrigation

    • Sidewalk

    • Lighting

  • Mail Boxes

  • Two (2) Detention Ponds

  • Taft Ct Pavement Surface


How Do I Contact the HOA?

The Burntwood West HOA may be contacted through the Contact Page.

Phone direct line: 503 718-0651 (management company representative)



Where Does the HOA Meet? How Often Does the HOA Meet?

Typically HOA board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. Watch for sandwich boards at key intersections in the neighborhood announcing the next meeting. The majority of HOA Board Meetings are held virtually. If you are a homeowner and would like to participate please Request Entry to Virtual Meeting with your address and/or lot number. After confirmation of your status as a homeowner the teleconference/video conference access information will be provided.


How do I get information about the Burntwood West HOA budget and expenses?

The Burntwood West HOA board develops and approves an annual budget. The budget and expenses to-date are reviewed during HOA monthly meetings. The HOA Board encourages homeowners to attend the regular monthly meetings as well as the Annual meeting. This is the best venue to get your questions answered regarding the HOA budget. Homeowners are also welcome to contact the HOA Board via email with budget questions. See the Burntwood West HOA website for more information. Additionally the HOA property management company can also provide budget information.


Important Phone Numbers for Burntwood West HOA Members

Check out the local resources page


What Guidelines Does the HOA Have?

The Burntwood HOA has a set of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs), and bylaws designed to protect the integrity and value of the neighborhood and that every home owner in the Burntwood-West has agreed to abide by. A copy of the current CC&Rs and Bylaws are available :


Which neighbors’ signatures on the ARC form are appropriate?

The ARC form should be signed by neighbors whose home is within the nearby line-of-sight of the improvement. In case the neighbor is a renter then the ARC form could be signed by the next nearby neighbor.


Are there Landscaping Requirements in the Burntwood West Subdivision?

Landscaping must meet the standard reflected in the neighborhood as required by CC&Rs Article 7.17 and be maintained in a manner to blend with the natural surroundings

Any landscaping change that fundamentally changes the nature of the lot (removal of all grass, large changes to topography, etc.) requires prior ARC approval. An ARC member may be consulted to determine if an ARC form is required.


Are there Roofing Replacement Requirements in the Burntwood West Subdivision?

The CC&Rs specifically approve cedar shake and tile roofs. There are additional approved roofing materials described in the ARC Guidelines available here:

When changing materials, using pre-approved materials will expedite approval but a proper ARC form must still be submitted and ARC approval still must be obtained.

Repair of roofs with the same materials and color does not require the submission of an ARC form or ARC approval as long as the materials are currently on the pre- approved list.

The roof color should complement the house colors. Changes to the roof color, beyond temporary changes due to cleaning, treatment or replacement require the submission of an ARC form and ARC approval.


May I Store a Boat or RV at My Home?

  • Common Areas and Lots within Burntwood West HOA boundaries

    • Parking of boats, trailers, motor cycles, trucks, truck-campers and like equipment is not allowed on any part of any lot or on adjacent public ways except on an occasional basis. However, such parking is allowed within the confines of an enclosed garage, storage port, or behind a screening fence or shrubbery which cannot project beyond the front walls of any dwelling or garage

    • Vehicles which are in a state of disrepair or to be abandoned may not remain parked upon any Lot or on the Common Areas for a period in excess of forty eight (48) hours.

  • City Streets within the Burntwood West HOA boundaries

    • Parking enforcement on city streets within the neighborhood is the responsibility of the City of Beaverton Police Department in accordance with the City of Beaverton UNIFORM TRAFFIC ORDINANCE - 6.02.


I Have a Front Sidewalk That Needs Repair. As a Home Owner, Am I Responsible for the Repairs?

Yes. In accordance with City of Beaverton ordinance 3.06.015, a person owning land abutting any public right-of-way has the duty to construct, reconstruct, repair and maintain abutting sidewalks, curbs and monolithic curbs and gutters so as not to present an unreasonable risk of danger to person or property and is liable for any and all claims of personal injury or property damage that may arise from the person’s negligence in failing to keep a sidewalk, curb or monolithic curb or gutter abutting the person’s property in such repair.


I Had a Tree Located Between My Front Walk and Curb Removed. Am I Required to Replace It?

Tree replacement is the responsibility of the individual home owner. However, there are specific requirements about the type of trees which can be planted. Contact the City of Beaverton Department of Urban Forestry for details.


I Have a Noisy Neighbor. To Whom Can I Complain?

We always encourage conversations among neighbors to get to know each other. If we all do this on a regular basis, if, and when, difficult situations arise, they can be resolved more easily.

The HOA does not get involved in neighbor disputes. If something a neighbor is doing is annoying or disturbing, talk with them first. If the situation does not improve, please contact the appropriate authorities.


I Heard the HOA Has a “Dumpster Day”.

When and Where Does That Happen?

In the past, the HOA has held as many as two “Dumpster Day” opportunities a year. Unfortunately, the HOA budget no longer has funds to continue to provide this popular service.